LDM: Comment décrire une image - écouter

Comment décrire une image - écouter

Now you will practice your listening comprehension skills. Here is what you should do to practice:

  1. Look at the three images below.
  2. Write out a description for each of the images.
  3. Then use the Image Cards to hear a description of the image. Did you forget anything? What can you add to your written description?
Image One Image Two Image Three
LDMPage10_1_24.png LDMPage10_1_25.png LDMPage10_1_26.png

Image Cards

Go through each image card in the embedded object. Listen to the descriptions and click to see the text to read along, if needed.

Practice Activities

It's time to practice. Complete the embedded activities to develop your listening, speaking, and writing skills. These activities pull grammar and vocabulary from earlier material in the course. If you are having trouble, take the time to go back and review previous material. As always, take notes and practice repeating after the audio.

Activity 1:

Activity 2:

Activity 3: