LDM: Comment décrire une image


Comment décrire une image

Let's learn how to describe a picture or a scene.  

It is okay if you can't explain everything. You want to focus on using what you already know to describe things. In some cases, you will have thorough descriptions and in others it may seem a bit vague, but that's okay. The point is to practice what you know and to make sure you are correctly using vocabulary and grammar that you have learned in the course.

Pay attention to how these new terms are used in the descriptions below:

  • être assis(e) - to be seated, sitting down
  • peux-être - maybe

Stress Pronoun Review:


Remember that stress pronouns come after prepositions.

Image Descriptions

Look closely at the following images. Read the text that accompanies each image, and listen to the audio that accompanies each image. Reflect on what you have learned so far and think about the context in which what you have learned is applied. Remember that you can pause the audio and repeat what you hear. This is a great way to practice speaking French.

Image Descriptions


French Text



Il y a un homme. Il fait la cuisine. Il fait des oeufs et du jambon. Derrière lui, il y a une femme. Elle est assise à la table. Elle a une boisson. Peut-être c'est du café ou du thé. Ils sont chez eux. Je pense que c'est le matin. Je pense qu'ils vont manger le petit déjeuner.




Je vois une femme. Elle a les cheveux noirs et longs. Elle porte un chemisier bleu. Elle est assisse derrière un bureau. Il y a un ordinateur devant elle. Elle parle au téléphone. Je pense qu'elle travaille. Peut-être elle est secrétaire.



Il y a un homme et une femme. Ils sont au restaurant. L'homme porte une chemise rose et une cravate bleue. Il est assis derrière une table. Il y a une salade devant lui. Il y a aussi du sel et du poivre sur la table. La femme est serveuse. Elle a une carte dans sa main. Elle sert un café à un homme.


Describing a Scene

So now you have a few models for describing a scene. Complete the embedded activity below to understand better these descriptions and to learn more about the key elements for a description.

As explained in the embedded activity above, you should try to answer the basic questions of who, what, when, and where when describing a scene or a picture. However, you are not limited to those categories. Let's look at other themes that you have the vocabulary to discuss.

Practice Activities

Let's practice. Take notes as you complete the following embedded activity.
