LVC: The verb aller and à contractions


The verb aller and à contractions

There is a very important irregular verb that you must learn by heart: aller. Look at conjugations of aller below and be sure to listen to how to pronounce them.


How to pronounce this:

à contractions

VCPage06ContractingWithA.png VCPage06a_toThe.png

*use à l' before a silent h, too (treat it as a vowel)!

Translation Note

Notice that Je vais can be translated as :

  • I go.
  • I am going.

In French, you absolutely cannot say: Je suis aller. That is an example of English grammar structure, not French!

Pay attention to the conjugation of the verb aller as well as to the use of au / à la / aux in the following examples. Be sure to replay the audio and practice repeating the French.

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