LFC: Introducing Your Family Members


Introducing Your Family Members

Let's talk about how to physically describe family members and those who are close to us. You will also learn to talk about what they like to do.

*Remember that an infinitive is the unconjugated form of the verb.

Listening Practice

Listening is what you mostly do in a language. In the presentation, you can listen to a native French speaker reading the text. Repeat what you hear over and over again. This is great practice for listening and speaking! Be sure to also read through the presentation twice and take notes. 

Download a printable version (no audio): click link Links to an external site..

Note: the French word for sister is properly spelled sœur with the special character œ. However, it will often be spelled with the o-e separated: soeur. Either spelling is considered acceptable, and you will see both forms in this course.

Did you notice ma mère vs mon père vs mes grands-parents?  

  • Ma is used before feminine nouns.
  • Mon is used before masculine nouns.  
  • Mes is used before plural nouns.
