LFC: Introduction
La famille et la communauté
In this module we will explore the topic of family and community. You will listen to and read a number of dialogues and conversations in French to enrich your French vocabulary. You will also learn about:
- identifying and describing family members,
- what you like and do not like to do,
- showing possession using the preposition de,
- the verb avoir,
- indefinite articles,
- professions,
- hobbies,
- formulating questions,
- the verb faire,
- talking about the weather,
- the differences between jouer à and jouer de,
- conjugating the three verb groups: -ER, -RE, and -IR verbs,
- possessive adjectives,
- stress pronouns, and
- what a dictée is
Essential Questions:
- Who makes up a family unit?
- How do you describe your family?
- How do you describe what you do in your free time and in your family's free time?
- How do you define your community?
- Can these definitions of family and community change depending on culture?
- How do we participate in our community through our hobbies and professions?
- La famille et la communauté - Key Terms Links to an external site.
- La famille et la communauté - Study Guide Links to an external site.
French I Standards
- French I Standards Links to an external site.
- National Technology Education Standards Links to an external site.
Attribution: unless otherwise noted, all images used within this module are used with permission from clipart.com Links to an external site.