Shared Durable Skills

Durable Skills Homepage


Welcome to Durable Skills!

In today’s fast-paced world, technical knowledge alone isn’t enough for success. While knowledge once doubled every 25 years, it now doubles roughly every 12 to 18 months due to rapid technological and scientific advancements. This rapid growth makes it clear that mastering every detail in your field is impractical.

Employers are increasingly prioritizing "durable skills"—those critical abilities that remain valuable despite technological changes. These include critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity, and digital literacy. According to recent insights, these soft skills are essential not just for career success but also for academic achievement and personal development. They help you navigate complex challenges, work effectively with others, and adapt to evolving environments.

This course is designed to introduce you to the skill set and then enhance your understanding through interactive activities and real-world examples. We use '21st Century Skills' and 'Durable Skills' interchangeably to emphasize the competencies needed for modern success. Let’s get started and explore how developing these skills can propel you forward in both your academic and professional journey!


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