(MOS) Muscular and Skeletal System Lesson

Muscular and Skeletal System Lesson

How are we able to move? Do we have to think about moving or does our body have a means of taking care of movement even when we do not have time to concentrate on such a task? These concepts and others are explored in the presentation below.




Gray's Anatomy Muscle Diagram

Labeled muscle image, see description below

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The Muscular System is made up of over 600 muscles. Muscle tissue is specialized with the ability to contract and relax when stimulated to do so. Some muscles, such as those in the digestive system or the iris of the eye, are involuntary and move without conscious thought. These are referred to as smooth muscles and are usually controlled by the medulla at the base of the brain. The following short video gives an overview of the muscular system.


Watch the following Real World Science - The Muscular System presentation:



The Skeletal System is composed of bones, connected to each other by ligaments. Before birth, a baby's skeleton is made up of cartilage. However, a baby is born with about 300 bones. Over time a few of the bones fuse together to make up the 206 bones in the human body. There are several very important functions performed by the skeletal system besides forming the framework for the body. Bones provide the body with support, protection for internal organs, and allow movement. Without bones for muscles to pull against, movement would not even be possible! The formation of blood cells also occurs inside bones. That is why there is a spongy material called red marrow in the center of a bone. The minerals calcium, phosphorous, and magnesium are stored inside your bones.

Labeled front skeleton image, see description below



Labeled back skeleton image, see description below





















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