Course Syllabus


Course description: Please include your course description here.

Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) and Georgia Performance Standards (GPS): A link to the GSE and GPS standards for this course can be found here: Please include a direct link to the GPS standards for your course.

*You can find your course's GPS standards by going to this link.

eTexts or Textbook:  NONE

Fall 2022 Important GAVS Policies and Procedures

Assignment Resubmissions:

You may notice when submitting assignments that the submission page says "Unlimited Attempts Allowed." This is a setting in our learning management system and is not indicative of individual teacher policies regarding resubmission of assignments.

In my course, _______________________________.

In the blank include something along the lines of the below depending upon your individual re-submission policy:​

  • I do not allow for resubmission of assignments.
  • I may allow for the resubmission of certain assignments, which will be announced to students in course announcements and via e-mail. Otherwise, resubmission of assignments is not permitted.
  • I allow resubmission of assignments, if the resubmission occurs by the date the assignment was initially due.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due