CSBC - Business Communication and Etiquette Lesson
Business Communication and Etiquette
Have you ever been in an uncomfortable situation because you did not know how to act or made a mistake? For example, maybe you told a joke that inadvertently offended another person or said or did something else that is embarrassing.
Business etiquette is a code of polite behavior established and followed in a certain environment, such as culture, profession, company, or organization, to avoid potentially embarrassing situations.
This lesson offers an overview of communication etiquette used in business settings, including digital and oral communication protocols.
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Communication protocol is an established set of rules expected by a company or organization. For example, employees should do their best to follow the chain of command. If there is an issue, employees should contact their immediate supervisors and proceed to the next level of management only if the immediate supervisor is not responsive.
Otherwise, the immediate supervisor is kept out of loop and placed in an embarrassing situation. Needless to say, that person will not be happy and the offending employee may find themselves in trouble for not following communication protocol.