RNA - Roman Numeral Analysis in Major Keys Microlesson
Roman Numeral Analysis in Major Keys Microlesson
Introduction to Roman Numeral Analysis: Major Keys
You are already familiar with Diatonic Triads and their chordal qualities. Now, we simply need to learn to apply Roman Numerals to label these chords. This is called Roman Numeral Analysis and we will first learn to do this in the Major Keys.
Lesson Key Terms:
- Natural Minor Scales: This scale uses the same tonic as the major scale. To create a natural minor scale, use lowered third; lowered sixth; and lowered seventh degrees from the major scale.
- Harmonic Minor Scale: The harmonic minor scale has two lowered scale degrees, the 3rd degree and 6th degree. Using the major scale as a foundation, lower the 3rd and 6th degrees of the major scale. The result is the Harmonic Minor Scale.
- Melodic Minor Scale: This is the most unusual minor scale because it has distinct parts for ascending and descending. When ascending, the Melodic Minor Scale only lowers the 3rd scale degree; but when descending, the 3rd, 6th, and 7th degrees are lowered, which is technically using the Natural Minor Scale.
Watch the video presentation below to learn more about this topic. Prepare to take notes and use the navigational buttons at the bottom of the video to pause, rewind, or move forward. Move forward to the challenge section to review your understanding.
Click here to download a printable copy of the presentation video. Links to an external site.
Roman Numeral Analysis in Major Keys Review
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