LVV: La rentrée
La rentrée
By now you should feel confident with using the passé composé with avoir. We will now look at the passé composé with être. That means that there are certain verbs (not so many) that use être as the helping verb instead of avoir. The vast majority of verbs in French use avoir as the helping verb when in the passé composé. There are, however, verbs that take être as the helping verb. You will learn those in the following sections.
Read the following dialogue a few times. Can you identify the new grammar rules we will work on? Can you deduce the meaning of new words from context? Come back and reread often. You will see how easy it will get!
La rentrée - The first day back to school
Listen to the dialogue:
- les Pyrénées - the Pyrenees, a mountain range that forms a border between Spain and France.
- cinq jours - five days ago
Think About It...
- What did you notice about the past tense?
Some verbs use être, instead of avoir in the passé composé. For example, je suis allé and nous sommes allés.
What did you notice about je suis allé and nous sommes allés ?
The past participle agrees in number and gender with the subject when the helping verb is être.
Practice Activities
Activity 1:
Activity 2: