LDM: Des conseils pour une alimentation saine


Des conseils pour une alimentation saine

An important part of learning a language is learning how to give advice and to express agreement and disagreement. Review the sentences below. They set the stage for a more in depth review of vocabulary used for giving advice and expressing agreement and disagreement that follows. Below the sentences you will find a more detailed presentation of the vocabulary.

RappelDeGrammaire.pngbeaucoup de   = a lot of
trop de = too much of
peu de   = little of
assez de = enough of

Vocabulary Examples


French Text



Il faut suivre un régime varié. Il faut manger beaucoup de choses différentes.


Il faut manger beaucoup de fruits et de légumes.


Il faut boire assez d'eau.


Il faut bouger pour éviter de prendre du poids. Il faut faire de l'exercice physique régulièrement.

Donner des conseils


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Take Another Look

Notice that in French, the expression "to be right" is expression as "to have right." A common mistake that Anglophones make when speaking French is to say: "Je suis raison." That is just wrong in French. You should say: J'ai raison. Look at the two sentences below and then listen to them. In French the verb used is avoir.


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