LDM: Introduction
Les défis mondiaux
In this module we will explore the topic of food and health. You will listen to and read a number of dialogues and conversations in French to enrich your French vocabulary.
You will learn about:
- identifying features of a healthy diet
- food vocabulary
- the partitive article
- giving advice
- expressing agreement and disagreement
- challenges in the world food supply
- prepositions
- descriptions / describing an image
- expressions of quantity
- the pronoun en
- negations - (ne...jamais; ne...plus)
Essential Questions:
- How can I maintain a healthy diet?
- Is it easy to eat a healthy diet?
- What foods are good for your health?
- What foods are bad for your health?
- How can we talk about quantities of foods?
- What challenges does the francophone world face in regards to the food supply?
- Les défis mondiaux - Key Terms Links to an external site.
- Les défis mondiaux - Study Guide Links to an external site.
French I Standards
- French I Standards Links to an external site.
- National Technology Education Standards Links to an external site.
Attribution: unless otherwise noted, all images used within this module are used with permission from clipart.com Links to an external site.