LMA: À l'écoute / Compréhension orale


À l'écoute / Compréhension orale

In order to continue your review and to reinforce how much you have already learned, listen to the following three dialogues and then complete the embedded activity that follows each dialogue to assess your comprehension. Once you complete an embedded activity, read it aloud to practice speaking French.

Audio 1

Complétez les phrases. In the activity below, choose the correct answer to fill in the blanks. You may listen to the audio clip as you work if you prefer. If the sentence has more than one blank, you will need to choose the correct response for each.

Audio 2

Complétez les phrases. In the activity below, choose the correct answer to fill in the blanks. You may listen to the audio clip as you work if you prefer. If the sentence has more than one blank, you will need to choose the correct response for each.

Audio 3

Complétez les phrases. In the activity below, choose the correct answer to fill in the blanks. You may listen to the audio clip as you work if you prefer. If the sentence has more than one blank, you will need to choose the correct response for each.
