LFC: Conjugating -RE verbs


Conjugating -RE verbs

French has three main verb groups: -ER verbs, -RE verbs, and -IR verbs. You have already learned about -ER verbs. Now you are going to learn about -RE verbs. Look below. How are -RE verbs conjugated differently than -ER verbs?

Remember, when we talk about conjugating verbs, we are just talking about making the verb agree with the subject.

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Notes about the verbs above





In English, we say to "wait for" a lot. In French, they just "wait."

  • J'attends le bus.
  • Mon amie attend sa mère

rendre visite à quelqu'un

In English, we say to visit someone. In French, it is more "to render a visit to someone."

  • Nous rendons visite à notre grand-mère.


Like in English you respond to a question.

  • Tu réponds à ma question?

dépendre de

Don't forget that when de is followed by a definite article, you have to contract de + le = du and de +les = des.

  • Ça dépend de mon frère.

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Once you have read the rules and completed the practice activities, download the FC -RE Verbs Handout Links to an external site..

Practice conjugating -RE verbs by completing the activity below.
