LFC: C'est vs il est


C'est vs il est

FCPAge08 - Subjectpronouns.png

By now you should understand the subject pronouns and how they are used.  

However, there is one more thing we have not yet addressed: the pronoun IT.

In French, this is a bit different than in English, but once you know the rule, it is easy to remember and apply.

Unlike in English, il and elle can also mean it.

FCPAge08 - ExamplesIt.png

FCPAge08 - pluralIt.png

C'est and Ce sont

  • c'est = (singular)
  • ce sont = (plural)

Review the chart to the right. Do you see how c'est can mean he and she, but also it? Meanwhile, ce sont is used for the plural (they), but can refer to either humans or things.

But how can you know when to use il est and when to use c'est?

Look at the following chart and try to identify a rule.

c'est vs il est


Il est

C'est un ami.

He is a friend.

Il est marrant.

He is funny.

C'est une amie.

She is a friend.

Elle est intelligente.

She is smart.

Ce sont des frères.

They are brothers.

Ils sont canadiens.

They are Canadian.

Ce sont les gâteaux.

They are cakes.

Ils sont délicieux !

They are delicious!

Think for a moment: what type of word followed c'est or ce sont? What type of word followed il est or ils sont?


Practice Activity - Can you tell c'est from il est?
