FE - Document Analysis Lesson

Document Analysis Lesson

Interpreting Primary Source documents is an important skill in studying history. Primary sources are documents that originate from the time period. From these sources, historians can construct the "story" of history as they gain insights into the events that shaped the world. As an AP student you will need to learn some of these skills. You will be asked to review certain documents and answer some questions about them.

For this first document analysis you will review the primary sources below. 

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"Document 1: Journal Entry from Christopher Columbus; October 10, 1492

Wednesday, 10 October. Steered west-southwest and sailed at times ten miles an hour, at others twelve, and at others, seven; day and night made fifty-nine leagues' progress; reckoned to the crew but forty-four. Here the men lost all patience, and complained of the length of the voyage, but the Admiral encouraged them in the best manner he could, representing the profits they were about to acquire, and adding that it was to no purpose to complain, having come so far, they had nothing to do but continue on to the Indies, till with the help of our Lord, they should arrive there."




"Document 3: A portion of a report from Francisco Coronado’s expedition to the Southwest, the taking of a Native American town; 1540

As that was where the food was, of which we stood in such great need, I assembled my whole force and divided them as seemed to me best for the attack on the city, and surrounded it. The hunger which we suffered would not permit of any delay, and so I dismounted with some of these gentlemen and soldiers. I ordered the musketeers and crossbowmen to begin the attack and drive back the enemy from the defenses, so that they could not do us any injury. I assaulted the wall on one side, where I was told that there was a scaling ladder and that there was also a gate. But the crossbowmen broke all the strings of their crossbows and the musketeers could do nothing, because they had arrived so weak & feeble that they could scarcely stand on their feet. On this account the people who were on top were not prevented at all from defending themselves and doing us whatever injury they were able. Thus, for myself, they knocked me down to the ground twice with countless great stones which they threw down from above, and if I had not been protected by the very good headpiece which I wore, I think that the outcome would have been bad for me. They picked me up from the ground, however, with two small wounds in my face and an arrow in my foot, and with many bruises on my arms and legs, and in this condition I retired from the battle, very weak. I think that if Don Garcia Lopez de Cardenas had not come to my help, like a good cavalier, the second time that they knocked me to the ground, by placing his own body above mine, I should have been in much greater danger than I was. But, by the pleasure of God, these Indians surrendered, and their city was taken with the help of Our Lord, and a sufficient supply of corn was found there to relieve our necessities."

Document 4: Image of Mission San Diego de Alcala, founded 1769



  1. Only days before they would reach landfall in the New World, Columbus' men nearly mutinied. How did Columbus encourage them to continue?
  2. How does Columbus describe the inhabitants of the New World?
  3. Does Columbus feel that the territory would be easy to conquer for Spain?
  4. Why does Coronado attack the American Indian city?
  5. Based on the document from Coronado and the picture provided for Document 4, what determinations can be made about the role of religion relating to the Spanish in the New World??

Answer the questions on your own paper or word processing document.