CTSO 2 - How to Become a CTSO Officer [LESSON]
How to Become an CTSO Officer
SkillsUSA and TSA have many of the same requirements for becoming a state officer as FBLA. There are a few differences in preparation and task completion for each organization, check out the links below to see the similarities and differences. Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is not just a co-curricular student organization – it is an avenue for opportunities to gain valuable skills – through participating in real-world experiences, participating in community service efforts, showcasing your leadership abilities and talents, and so much more! Students involved in FBLA gain skills that prepare them for the workforce. They are involved in opportunities that stress work ethics, character development, leadership development, and career and personal development. Of all the opportunities in FBLA, serving as an FBLA officer helps to put into action your skills gained and allows for true application of the skills developed through the experiences. In this module we will focus on several specific opportunities to serve in FBLA.
FBLA Membership and Regions
Georgia FBLA is an affiliate of Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda, Inc. With more than 250,000 members, it is one of the largest student business organizations in the world. Georgia FBLA is the largest state chapter in the nation – with over 25,000 members statewide. Georgia FBLA is divided into 15 regions.
Through Georgia FBLA you can participate in a number of ways:
- Attend Fall membership rally to explore FBLA
- Become a member of your local school chapter
- Serve as an officer of your local school chapter or region area
- Serve as a state or national officer (once you have served at the local and region levels)
- Serve on a committee
- Attend Fall Leadership conferences
- Participate in a competitive event at the region and state level
- If you place at state, you may also be able to compete at the national level
- Support your community through various community service projects
- Participate in state-level FBLA community service projects
- Meet new friends from across the state and the nation.
- Build employability skills as you participate.
- And, most of all – HAVE FUN!!
Business Achievement Awards
If you are interested in becoming a state or national FBLA officer, you will not only need to be involved in the activities described above, but you will also need to complete the Business Achievement Awards (BAAs). By completing the BAAs, your local chapter will also benefit through Automatic Chapter of the Year points. Students completing the Capstone level by the deadline will have the opportunity to have a competitive review of their project at the National Leadership Conference and win a prize up to $5000.
The Business Achievement Awards (BAA) is a high school leadership program with co-curricular activities aligned to career clusters, NBEA standards, and FBLA goals. Through completing the four levels of the BAA – Contributor, Leader, Advocate, and Capstone – you will have the opportunity to expand your leadership skills and showcase your talents.
How to Become a SkillsUSA & TSA state officer
Takeaway and Sendoff
Through involvement with a CTSO, as you are improving and growing as an individual, you also have the opportunity to improve your local school, your local community, and even your state. Georgia's FBLA mission is "to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs." SkillsUSA’s mission is “to empower its members to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens.” For Georgia TSA the mission is “to prepare its membership to be successful leaders and responsible citizens in a technological society.” There is no better avenue to build the leadership skills needed in a successful career than through involvement with a CTSO.