(ECO) Biomes Chart: Freshwater Ecosystems Lesson
Biomes Chart: Freshwater Ecosystems Lesson
Complete the chart for each Biome in this module.
These notes are useful for studying and can be a valuable resource for upcoming Biome assignments.
Freshwater Ecosystems Biome
Of all the water on Earth's surface, only three percent consists of fresh water. Earth's fresh water is found in ponds, lakes, streams, and rivers. These bodies of fresh water flow slowly if at all. Lakes and ponds are similar. However, lakes are generally deeper and larger than ponds. In both ecosystems, algae floating on the surface are the major producer. Many ponds are shallow enough to allow sunlight to reach bottom. This makes it possible for plants to grow as well.
Turtles, frogs, snails, and dragonflies are some of the organisms that might live in the open water. Catfish and other scavengers might be found near the bottom. Bacteria is one of the types of organisms that act as decomposers.
Rivers, streams, creeks, and brooks, consist of fresh water that flows across Earth's surface. Most rivers begin as cold streams in the mountains or hills. The water flows rapidly. As a mountain stream flows, other streams join it. Eventually, the large stream that results is called a river. Farther down the mountain, the water slows down and the river forms twists and turns.
Plants and animals that live in streams and rivers must be able to survive the currents. Trout and many other fishes have sleek bodies that help them move with the current. Some animals have suckers that they use to latch on to rocks. Where the water slows down, beavers and river otters can be found in those areas.
In another type of ecosystem, known as a wetland, water either covers the soil or is near the soil's surface for all or part of the year. Wetlands include marshes, swamps, and bogs. Wetlands are often important ecosystems that provide breeding grounds for fishes, amphibians, birds, and aquatic animals.
A wetland will often form at an estuary, the place at the mouth of a river where fresh water mingles with salt water from a bay or ocean. Estuaries usually have a great diversity of plants and animals. In addition, many marine organisms hatch and spend their early lives in estuaries. The dense plants protect them from the pounding waves and hide them from predators. Shrimp, redfish, and mullet are some animals that begin their lives in estuaries.
Bays are an area of water mostly surrounded by land. Bays generally have calmer waters than the surrounding sea, due to the surrounding land blocking some waves and often reducing winds.
A marsh is a type of wetland that receives frequent or continuous flooding. Typically the water is shallow and features grasses, rushes, reeds, other herbaceous plants, and moss. Woody plants around a marsh are usually low-growing shrubs.
Watch the following presentation on Aquatic Biomes. This short learning object explores the importance of freshwater on our planet. Look for answers to the following questions:
- What are the variables for a biome's physical environment?
- What is an aquatic biome?
- List some examples of the freshwater biome.
- What is the ratio of freshwater to all the water on Earth?