INT: Overview

Introductions and Greetings

Meeting native Japanese people can be very exciting if you know how to greet them properly and introduce yourself in Japanese, but it can be very intimidating if you do not. Should you shake hands or bow with hands together? Even a simple exchange of business cards has some protocol you should know about, too. In this module, you will be introduced to the manners, words, and phrases you need to know for your first time meeting someone.

Essential Questions:

  • How do you greet and introduce yourself in Japanese formally and informally?
  • How do you pronounce common Japanese names and address people by name?
  • How do you ask if the person in front of you is the right person or not?
  • How do you apologize if you made mistakes?
  • Why do people in Japan bow instead of shaking hands?
  • How do you specify a grade level in school in Japan?

Key Terms

Your key terms for this module will appear in the content pages that follow. Be sure to ask your instructor if you have any questions.


By the end of this module, for listening and speaking skills, you will be able to introduce yourself and greet someone for the first time. You will also be able to greet formally and informally in the morning, address people by name appropriately, pronounce common Japanese names, ask for and confirm other's names, apologize to someone, and specify a grade level in school. In addition, you will learn to use the numbers 1 to 10. For reading and writing skills, you will learn to read and write in hiragana あいうえお and かきくけこ. For cultural understanding, you will learn how to use informal as well as formal phrases for greetings based on the different settings.

Japanese I Standards