AU - Australia's Government (Lesson)

Australia's Government


Australia gained its independence from Great Britain in 1907. Australia's government is similar to Canada's parliamentary democracy. A prime minister serves as the head of government and is elected by representatives of parliament. Like the US, Australia has a national government and states. The national government and states have the ability to create and enforce laws that govern the citizens.


The Australian Constitution

In 1901, the Commonwealth of Australia became a federal constitutional monarchy under a parliamentary democracy. “Federal constitutional monarchy” means that the laws and powers of the Australian government are outlined in a written constitution and divided between the national government and independent states. Monarchy under a parliamentary democracy means that Australia recognizes Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain as the head of state.

The Australian constitution outlines the rules of government and divides the responsibilities of government into three arms. The three arms or branches of government include the judiciary, legislature, and the executive branch. The legislature, or parliament, is responsible for debating and voting on laws. The judiciary arm, or legal arm of government, is responsible for upholding the laws. The judiciary arm is responsible for checking to make sure the other two arms are operating in the best interest of the Australian government. The executive arm is responsible for upholding the laws created by the legislative arm. The executive arm consists of a prime minister and other ministers similar to the president's cabinet members in the United States. Some of these ministry jobs include Minister of Defense, Minister of Agriculture, Minister of Employment, and Minister of Environment


Australian States

Map of Australian States 

Australia is composed of six self-ruling states that make their own laws. The Australian states have their own constitution and have an executive, judicial, and legislative arm of government. Three of Australia's seven territories are self-ruling and have their own constitutions. These territories include the Northern Territory, the Australian Capital Territory and Norfolk Island. In addition, there are seven island territories known as external territories. The external territories are under the leadership of Australia's federal government.

Australia Chart of Australian States 



Review some of your terms from this lesson by completing the activity below.


Image of an Arrow 


Think About This


Review the material in the lesson, and read the summary below. Before you move on, what are two interesting facts you learned from the summary?

Click here to download the summary of Australia's Government. Links to an external site.