DCTI - Diatonic Chords and Triad Inversions: Rhythmic Dictation Self-Assessment Activity


Rhythmic Dictation

Self-Assessment Activity



It's time to practice your Rhythmic Dictation for the Diatonic Chords & Triad Inversions module. Download a copy of the template below. Complete the activity and immediately check your answers.

Note - This is a self-assessment that will allow you to gauge your understanding. This assessment is not graded. If you have any questions or need extra support, contact your instructor.



Click here to download and print a copy of the template for this activity. Links to an external site. 


This ear training microlesson is a guide to practicing for the AP Music Theory Exam Sight-Singing; Melodic, and Harmonic Dictation. Outside, daily practice should focus on these skills. Remember, resources are provided in the AP Music Theory Microlesson, located at the beginning of this course. The resources are helpful, and you are encouraged to search for other practice materials.

Remember that the previously released AP Music Theory Exams (available on the College Board Website) also have audio samples and templates to complete dictation. Use the Rhythm Dictation examples, included in this course, to practice rhythmic dictation. Templates and self-checks for these rhythmic audio samples are included in each module.