IC - Altered Intervals: Aural Skills
Altered Intervals: Aural Skills
Ear Training
At this time, you should be working daily on practicing singing major and minor scales; intervals (diatonic and chromatic); practicing sight-singing; and practicing basic rhythmic and melodic dictation.
Major and Minor Seconds:
Practice singing the following excerpts. Become comfortable with singing using major and minor seconds.
Think Theory Smart:
- Notice these excerpts follow scale movement. As you sing, concentrate on how your voice raises and lowers as your eyes follow the music.
- Look at the time signature and key signature. Locate where “Do”/Tonic is in the excerpt. Realize that the excerpt wants to resolve to the Tonic. Locate “Sol”/Dominant. Locate “Ti”/Leading Tone. Use these hints when you sight-sing.
- Choose a system to sing: Fixed Do, Moveable Do, or numbers. Practice with the following activities.
Audio Examples of Intervals