IC - Altered Intervals: Aural Skills


Altered Intervals: Aural Skills

Ear Training

At this time, you should be working daily on practicing singing major and minor scales; intervals (diatonic and chromatic); practicing sight-singing; and practicing basic rhythmic and melodic dictation.

Major and Minor Seconds:

Practice singing the following excerpts. Become comfortable with singing using major and minor seconds.

Think Theory Smart:

  1. Notice these excerpts follow scale movement. As you sing, concentrate on how your voice raises and lowers as your eyes follow the music.
  2. Look at the time signature and key signature. Locate where “Do”/Tonic is in the excerpt. Realize that the excerpt wants to resolve to the Tonic. Locate “Sol”/Dominant. Locate “Ti”/Leading Tone. Use these hints when you sight-sing.
  3. Choose a system to sing: Fixed Do, Moveable Do, or numbers. Practice with the following activities. 


Audio Examples of Intervals